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 Korean Championship

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Ciao Emmanuel

Ciao Emmanuel

Nombre de messages : 101
Age : 54
Date d'inscription : 11/12/2013

Korean Championship Empty
MessageSujet: Korean Championship   Korean Championship EmptySam Juil 12 2014, 02:11

The competition will be open from 12:00:00 on July 18, 2014 (UTC/GMT+09:00, Seoul) to 23:59:59 July21, 2014 (UTC/GMT+09:00, Seoul).

De Minyoung Joo.

Korean Championships
Welcome to the official web page of the Korean Sudoku and Puzzle Championship 2014.

The format of the tournament will be paper-solving with transcription of solutions and the tournament will be open during the whole weekend. The length of the round will be 120 minutes.

? Tournoi officiel ?
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Korean Championship
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