Le 10 juin à 20h:
http://www.wcpn.nl/ (livret: http://www.wcpn.nl/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/WCPN-NK-Sudoku-2014-instructies1.pdf formulaire pour les réponses: http://www.wcpn.nl/antwoordformulier-nk-sudoku-2014/)
Recently I have informed you about the erection of WCPN - World Class Puzzles from the Netherlands. It is the official Dutch puzzle association. Apart from our daily puzzles on our website, we worked hard to prepare national puzzle and sudoku championships too.
We are very proud to announce our sudoku championship on Tuesday, 10th of June 20.00 - 22.00 PM CET.
International participation is warm welcomed. So if you would like to have a few hours of sudoku fun, this is a good opportunity!
The instruction booklet can be found here. Click on WCPN NK Sudoku 2014 instructies.
The sudokus are written by me. (Hans Eendebak has written the puzzles of the Puzzle championship that will be held one week later; I'll write a forum message for it too).
Since the instructions are in Dutch, I will give a brief translation of the types:
Puzzles 1~4: Classic Sudokus
5. Sudoku 13579: Odd sudoku; grey cells contain odd digits.
6. Sudoku +1: Standard Consecutive; all dots are given.
7. Killer sudoku: Standard Killer.
8. Sudoku Chaos: Standard irregular.
9. X-sommen sudoku: Scattered X-sums sudoku (1 to 7); Clues are sum of first X digits. X is first digit.
10. Positiesudoku: Position sudoku; Clues outside indicate position of highest digit in first 3 cells.
11. Buursudoku: Next to nine; clues outside are direct neighbour(s) of 9 in respective row/column
12. Sudoku 1-9: Numbers outside are sum of digits between 1 and 9 in respective row/column
13. Chaos windoku: Standard irregular + windoku
14. Oneven labyrint: Odd labyrinth; there is at least one path of odd digits from top left to bottom right that travels horizontally / vertically only.
15. Renban sudoku: standard renban
16. Pijlsudoku: arrow sudoku with the sum of digits in the point of the arrow.
The answer form can be found here. You have to send back the form within two hours!
If you still have any question, don't hesitate to ask, either here in the forum or as a PM.
Have fun and good luck!