La fédération mondiale cherche des pays (ou des auteurs) qui aideraient à organiser des tournois en 2014:
Would you like to prepare puzzles for the WPF Sudoku/Puzzle GP 2014? If so, please contact you country representative or us directly at
Thank you!!
Already registered countries:
Sudoku GP - Switzerland, Czech Republic, Russia, Turkey
Puzzle GP - Czech Republic, Russia
If you are interested in hosting this event, please let us know.
For those of you who were not present at the GA in Beijing a short summary of all the agreed details:
2014 GP (Sudoku and Puzzle) will be for free, it will be held on the WPF site, there will be two sudoku leagues (for beginners and advanced) and one puzzle tournament. The players' committee will help with selecting the host countries, number of rounds and will assume the role of competition director.
The deadline for your registration is November 19.